Complaints Policy


Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic

Our Complaints Policy

Complaints Lead: Dr Arun Pajaniappane

Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic Ltd, aims to provide a consistent high-quality service, but recognise that on occasion an issue could arise that may result in our patients not being satisfied with the service.
Complaints and concerns received by Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic are an invaluable additional layer of feedback from patients. It will help to develop and maintain the quality of our services. Processes are in place to listen, investigate and respond in a timely and transparent way. We want to hear from our patients and learn how our services can be improved.
This policy describes our process for achieving the resolution of complaints.
The aim of the policy is to ensure that all complaints are handled in an empathetic manner, that they are understood and investigated thoroughly, fairly and quickly. In liaison with the complainant a method of resolution is agreed with the complainant that is proportionate to the issue being raised and is also in line with the complainant’s desired outcome.
A further purpose is to ensure trends are identified and enable valuable lessons learnt to improve the quality of service.
Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic will:
  • Make sure every complaint is dealt with efficiently and thoroughly investigated.
  • Ensure patients are treated with courtesy and receive appropriate support throughout the investigations and handling process.
  • Acknowledge when mistakes happen, apologise, and explain and put things right
    quickly and effectively.
  • Guide patients on where to seek further help and support.
Responsibility of all staff
This policy applies to all employees of Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic in all locations.
All staff have a responsibility to listen and respond to concerns and complaints raised by patients, their relatives, carers or service users.
They should respond at the time the concerns are raised in an understanding, empathetic way and know when to refer complaints to senior clinician for fuller investigation.
They should seek to understand and learn from complaints in a positive, constructive way and identify and implement actions to improve service delivery.
Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic Complaints Procedure
  • Complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 14 working days
  • The complaint will be forwarded to the lead clinician & investigated within 30 working days.
  • Patient will be contacted and provided an opportunity to clarify the circumstances surrounding the complaint, and what the complainant would like to see happen.
  • All contact information, dates, times should be recorded by the investigating clinician.
  • The methods and outcome of any investigation will be clearly communicated to the patient verbally and in writing, and the patient provided an opportunity to discuss the findings in a face-to-face meeting.
  • Following the investigation, an action plan should be set out if appropriate, and must in proportion to the issue being complained about.
  • If the outcome is not as per patient satisfaction following the above stages, details will be provided so that the patient can contact CEDR (see below).
  • Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic is a member of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) Private Healthcare Mediation Scheme in collaboration with the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service. CEDR provide patients with a route to resolve a complaint when it has not been resolved by the in-house complaints process. CEDR provide independent mediation between the healthcare provider and patient.
  • A complainant can request CEDR input by completing the application form found on our website, by contacting CEDR directly on, or on
  • Patients should also be given details of patient support organisations such as: The Patient’s Association and Action Against Medical Accidents.
  • As a final option, patients have the right to escalate a complaint to the practitioner’s professional registration body and/or Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Unreasonable Behaviour
Complainants who display unreasonable behaviour can put strain on time and resources, and cause stress to staff.
All staff are trained to respond to complainants with patience and sympathy, but there are times when unreasonable behaviour is extreme or persistent and there is nothing further which can reasonably be done to assist the complainant or to rectify a real or perceived problem.
The Procedure for Dealing with Intractable Complaints is to help to identify situations where a complainant may legitimately be regarded as behaving unreasonably, and to outline ways of responding in such situations.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis or when significant changes are made to legislation.
Date policy created: 01/07/2020
Policy created by: Arun Pajaniappane
Recommended review interval: 2 yearly or with any changes to legislation
Date of review: 01/03/2022
Date of future policy review: 01/04/2024
Recommended level of reviewer: Manager

In the Spotlight

Highly Specialised Medical-Led Service

Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic is a CQC regulated service, providing evidence based, high-quality, medical consultant physician-led service.

We offer consultation and clinical assessment, aided and supplemented by high-quality, state-of-the-art audiological and vestibular diagnostics, delivered by an expert team.

Team Members


Hearing Therapist

Cups Of Tea Each Day


What We Offer

Daily Appointments

Quality Care


Fast & Effective Treaments

Central London Location

Tea & Coffee Upon Arrival


What People are Saying

“A Great Find”

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“Fabulous food & flawless service”

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“Another successful experience”

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Nunc molestie eros nec eros auctor, a dapibus diam iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat.”


Hours of Operation

9:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm – 5:00pm

9:00pm – 1:30pm

Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic
86 Harley Street, London

(+44) 07443504600

Drop Us a Line